Top sun care tips for little sailors

It’s easy to get carried away when you book a week on a sailing holiday in the Turkish Riviera, at the first sight of sun you’ll be stripped off and into your costume, ready to top up your tan in a matter of minutes.

Care has to be taken though when you are sailing along the coast, the mixture of sun and sea air is a potent force, take precautions, especially if you take children on holiday with you or have very sensitive skin.

We don’t want your holiday to be blighted by burns and blisters at Salamander Voyages, we want you to be bronzed and have a brilliant time! Our sun care tips should help when you are aboard the Gulet, keep your family safe by using this safe sun guide.

Slap on the lotion

One of the biggest mistakes you have to avoid on a gulet holiday is not applying enough sun lotion. It’s so easy to catch the sun on a sailing vessel so slap on that lotion, keep your kids covered in the stuff, reapply every hour or so especially if they have splashed about in water at some point. Pack plenty of lotion for your sailing holiday, it’s better to apply too much than not enough.

Use a sunhat

A sunhat protects the top of the head and it provides shade for the top part of the face as well. Pick a peaked cap, get the kids to keep their hats on whenever they are out in the sun, it’ll prevent heart stroke and help to make your children feel more comfortable.

Wear a pair of shades

Eye protection is vital too. Look out across the shimmering water as the sun slowly bakes your surroundings by all means, just keep your corneas behind UV protected lenses at all times. Stare straight into the sun without eye protection and you run the risk of damaging your eyes.

Take breaks

Give your children breaks from the sun to prevent over-exposure. Try to avoid the peak times during the day, have a siesta between 11.00am and 3.00pm when the sun is at its hottest, sit below deck or plan a trip to a harbour town where you can sit in the shade, have a drink and enjoy the sights and sounds

Cover up if necessary

Get your children to cover up if you are worried, pack a few protective layers in your bag such as long-armed t-shirts or lightweight trousers, too much exposure is never a good thing.

Use these sensible sun protection precautions and you’ll have the holiday of a lifetime.


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