Tips For Flying With Children

Flying can be rather stressful as it is but when you have children travelling with you many more potential issues can arise. From finding ways to keep them amused, to avoiding any illnesses or worry, there are a lot of things to consider before flying with children. Here are a few tips that can help make your flight to Bodrum a pleasant one…

Be careful with pens and pencils

Colouring books and activities may seem like a great way to keep the children amused on a flight when you’re packing, but aeroplanes aren’t always steady. Having to retrieve fallen pencils and pens from the floor, beneath your belongings, or underneath another passenger’s feet can get very annoying. Whether it’s a bumpy flight or not, aeroplane tables don’t provide much space for colouring activities either. There are a number of interactive colouring apps for your tablet, and toys with built-in pens which would be better.

Sticker books and card games pass the time

If your child is creative and you’re stuck for ways around taking colouring books, try sticker books instead. Much less hassle, sticker books will keep them quiet for a long time as well as being fun. Sticker books come in all sorts of varieties so you’ll be spoilt for choice. You might want to buy a sticker book of their favourite TV character, their favourite sports team, or a seasonal one if you are travelling during a certain time of year.

Milk works wonders on board

Even if you’re not travelling with a baby, milk can really help relax and soothe children of any age. The sucking motion of a bottle will prevent your child’s ears from popping during takeoff and landing, alleviating the build-up of pressure. Be alert to airport security measures though and only carry the designated amount in the right container, ready to present to airport officials. Chewy sweets work in the same way for older children too.

Avoid too many sugary snacks

Trying to use sweets and other sugary snacks to keep your children quiet and happy is not the answer. Sugar rushes will make your children hyper or frustrated, leading to too much bottled up energy. As well as your child becoming exhausted after a while, too many sugary sweets could lead to them disrupting other passengers on board a flight. Pack some select snacks such as fruit, crackers or dried fruit treats.

Keep medicines handy in your bag

Aeroplane sickness is common amongst people of all ages so be ready to treat your child should they start to feel ill. Keep a few medicines and tablets handy in your bag to ease their discomfort. Stomach settling syrups and headache tablets are essential when you’re travelling with children. Just remember to keep liquids in an appropriate bottle and at the allowed amount in relation to airport guidelines. Earplugs and plasters are also always good to carry, just in case.

Image: Pixabay


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