How to avoid heatstroke

Turkey is a popular destination for holiday makers for many reasons, its hot summers being one of them. However we do caution guests who aren’t used to Turkey’s heat to be wary of the dangers of heat stroke.

Heatstroke is most likely to strike young children and people of more mature age but it is a significant risk for everybody who is careless regarding sun exposure. Heatstroke may begin as heat exhaustion, the body’s inability to cool down. If it progresses to heat stroke your organs will begin to shut down and may cause brain damage or death.

1.       Stay hydrated

We can’t say it enough, staying properly hydrated while in hot climates is so important. Water keeps your body cool. It ensures that you have enough liquid in your body to sweat and so naturally cool your body down. Not drinking enough water will

How much water is enough? At home you should drink 1.5 litres of water a day. While in a hot climate you should increase this as you’ll sweat more frequently, leading to dehydration. Drink more water again if you’re active i.e. playing sports, hiking etc.

2.       Stay out of the sun at midday

The midday sun is the hottest. The average temperature in Bodrum in July easily reaches 30 degrees Celsius. The hotter it is the faster you’ll lose fluids and the more likely you are to burn.

3.       Apply sun cream liberally

If you are planning to sunbath you should try to prevent sunburn as best you can. Apply a high factor sun cream at least 20 minutes before going out in the sun. There’ll be plenty of opportunity to swim off the boat during your stay which is a great way to stay cool. Remember to reapply your sun cream when you’ve dried off.

Being out on the boat we’ll experience a sea breeze that belies the full heat of the sun. Don’t assume that because it doesn’t feel very hot that you aren’t getting burnt.

The danger behind sunburn, apart from the risk of skin cancer, is that when you’re sunburnt your body heats ups and finds it more difficult to cool down as the heat is held in your burnt skin.

4.       Wear a hat

Keeping your head shaded will reduce your chance of overheating and will also prevent sunburn on your head, face and neck (with the right style of hat). Choose a hat that is well ventilated to allow heat to escape through your head as it normally would. A straw hat or specially designed sun hat will keep you looking and feeling cool.

We are committed to the safety of our guests as well as ensuring you have the holiday of your dreams.


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