5 tips for taking perfect holiday photos

I’m sure everyone will agree that holidays go by far too fast, before you know it your back at home on the sofa and it’s like you’ve never been away.

Taking photographs whilst on your travels can help the location and the memories from your trip remain vivid in your mind for many years to come.  And looking back at your holiday pictures when you get home makes the disappointment that it’s all over that little bit more bearable.

We’ve come up with five tips to help you to take your best holiday snaps yet the next time you’re off on your adventures.


Find your focus

Make sure you know what the focus of every photo is.  Photos with lots of different things in can look too busy and leave people wondering exactly what it was you were trying to take a photo of.  You don’t necessarily need to place the focus of your picture directly in the centre of the photo; sometimes it makes the picture a little more interesting if your subject is slightly off centre.


Use lines

Once you start looking for lines in your photos you won’t be able to stop seeing them.  Lines could come in the form of a winding road, path or river, the side of a building, or the branches of a tree.   Use lines in your photo to draw attention to certain areas or add interest or focus to a scene.


Frame the subject

Once you’ve found the subject or focus of your picture check what’s around it.  Make sure you leave an even border around your subject and adjust the focus of your image slightly if there is something ruining the shot.  Try using plants, branches or doorways to frame the subject of your picture to give your shots a professional feel.


Check where the light is

Using light correctly is one of the most important rules of photography.  Make sure you are using the correct settings on your camera for the type of light you are working with.  Make sure you don’t set up the subject of your picture to stand in front of the light or you’ll probably just end up with a silhouette of your subject.  The light at sunrise and at sunset often makes the most impressive photographs.


Look for the little details

Although you will want plenty of pictures of yourself and your family or friends enjoying the trip, don’t forget to take photos of the little details that make the area you’re visiting special.  Often it’s the small details that will really help you to remember what the essence of the place that you visited was like.


Taking photos on holiday is lots of fun and is a great way of creating memories that you can share with family and friends when you get home.  Don’t forget to put down your camera and enjoy your holiday away from the viewfinder as well though.


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